Beneficial Ways To Improve Asthma

Asthma is defined as “a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing which usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.” For those who have asthma, their episodes can be mild, severe, and/or even somewhere in between. In turn, asthma can be a light burden for some, while being a heavier burden for others who are faced with extreme attacks. But no matter the case there are several ways that asthma can be treated – and/or improved – that one can look into if he/she suffers from such a condition. 

One way of doing this is by developing a method for tracking. This is similar to a food diary/journal that one might actively engage in in order to better assess their overall health. The same goes for an asthma tracking method, only instead of recording food intake, the person is recording his/her attacks, so that he/she – and/or his/her doctor – can have a better understanding of his/her asthma. One way that this can easily be done is through the person notating the symptoms that he/she is experiencing. 

Recording these things can help both him/her – and the doctor – see any changes related to his/her asthma, and be able to take caution by using preventative measures. In response, certain adjustments may need to be made if the person’s asthma begins to worsen – whether it’s alternative treatment, and/or a different kind of treatment that is able to counteract his/her condition. But tracking doesn’t just have to only involve symptoms; it can also include monitoring one’s breathing. This is an efficient technique because the individual can then see how much air is truly getting through his/her airways based on how shallow or deep his/her breath is, and/or through his/her air flow. 

In conclusion, when using the method of tracking for both symptoms and breathing, those who are affected by asthma are capable of fully monitoring – and/or observing – their lungs. In doing so, they can receive the necessary amount of treatment which can “usually be managed with rescue inhalers to treat symptoms and controller inhalers that prevent symptoms. Severe cases may require longer-acting inhalers that keep the airways open, as well as oral steroids.” All of these options can help that individual get back to breathing as comfortably as possible.